IT'S NOT FAIR! PvP is so hard, Thorn Vex and TLW is running rampant and I can barely kill anyone with my Suros. Either Auto's need a serious buff, or Hand Canons need a serious Nerf! It's not fair, buying the game means that I have a right to experience all content! Bungie Plz... FIX THIS!
Hell no lighthouse is susposed to be for the best pvpers in the game and it's finally something that you have to earn if your not good at pvp that's your fault
All these people taking this post seriously...
Serious? Or trolling? Cause I did fine with the Suros. I used many weapons depending on how the team played and what best fit the map. It should stay 9-0
Lighthouse is fine as is, it gives unskilled individuals something to strive for. I don't know about you but I don't like having stuff handed to me, I like to work for it. It keeps the game from becoming boring as hell. 3 wins? No. That's stupid. This post is stupid. Stop complaining and use different tactics. And before you jump to conclusions I have yet to reach the lighthouse, so from one failed trials passage to another I wish you good luck.
3 Wins is too high! Make it one loss!
Free bumps :D
I believe the lighthouse should be available after 5 wins. But you can't open the chest or get any of the goodies unless you do the flawless run. This way you can get your friends and explore there. Just an idea
9-2 would make me happy:)
Edited by Dauntess: 6/9/2015 3:04:20 AM9-0 should get you to the lighthouse 9-1 should get you to the lighthouse 9-2 should get you to the lighthouse 8-3 should get you a trip to the reef to pickup a new card cuz you completed your current one by losing 3 games.
quiet skrub
[spoiler]Acquire skill sir.[/spoiler]
Although I don't agree with you on Mercury, you are right about one thing. THORNS AND LAST WORDS MEAN YOU ARE A SCRUB AND CANT USE ANY OTHER WEAPON TO GET A KILL
Edited by WTFisTrue: 6/7/2015 8:53:01 PMUmm... No. Just made it to my first lighthouse(with a legit 9-0. Only bought Mercy and that turned out to be a waste of coins) and let me tell you it was satisfying.
Lol you can get 3 wins after just one win........ What a scrub
If you can't beat them... Join them
Cry is free
So get all the buffs and win one your going to lighthouse haha you got to be kidding
You do have the right to experience the content. So experience it. Nothing is stopping you as my sub 1.0kd made it there last night and wasn't even a carry
Edited by Caladur: 6/7/2015 8:37:58 PMI think it should still take 9 wins on a card (though I haven't had a single win yet, lol), but I think even with a loss or two on the card, you could still go. Since I still can't get a win on a card, I'd still be out.
You have the last word, what are you complaining about?
Git gud scrub
You can already go 7-1 and still go to the Lighthouse