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Edited by The-Gaurdian21: 6/15/2015 4:59:56 AM

Rise of a Legend: Chapter Six

Chapter Six: A Walk among the Daises The air seemed to lighten, almost pulling Mar from the ground. Mar lifted himself off the floor, peering around the room. The grass was still here, swaying in a wind that Mar could not feel. The water still trickling over the rocks, the sand still resting in scattered piles. He looked at the tree, noticing it in a new light. He did not feel the urge to tear it apart. He felt connected to it. The power over Mar had been released, he could feel the difference. He stepped forward towards the tree, watching it sway. The leaves fluttered in a tune that brought comfort to Mar, the bark brought a sense of security. Mars eyes reached the crack in the tree, his heart seemed to drop. He felt as if he had wounded a friend, the bark ripped and cracked. Underneath the crack was a cold stone core, a deep blue to its center. There seemed to be a thousand stars held within it. Mar felt himself immediately drawn in. He then took notice of the two knives sticking into the core. Both blades seemed to have been changed to the same material as the core itself. He fell to his knees in shock, in pain. He felt like he was part of the tree, it seemed as if he had injured himself. The blades vibrated ever so slightly. The power from the core pulsing into the blades. Mar reached up to remove the blades from the tree. As he touched the blades he felt pulled into another world. Mar looked up from his daggers, the world around him had changed. This was a new place, Mar did not recognize it. Rain poured down upon soft grass. There was a person before Mar, his hood was up, preventing Mar from seeing his face. The persons cloak was bronze, with an odd marking on its back. It contained a circle with three sets of two lines spreading out away from it. The person was sitting in front of an old grave site. There was multiple graves lined up. Mar looked around, finding himself back outside the city. This seemed real, but something was off. He turned back to see the stranger place a carved rock on the grave. Mar looked closer and noticed there was one on each grave. They were all small carvings of people, presumably the people buried here. The stranger stood and turned towards Mar. Mar began looking over the stranger, noticing them to be male. He was glad in light bronze armor, pieces plated his shoulders, chest, arms, and legs. He wore dark brown pants, with two daggers strapped to them. His stomach armor seemed to be split into pieces, allowing flexibility and protection. On the stranger’s chest was a deep blue and purple glass ring, held tight by three leather straps. His armor seemed rich, belonging to esteemed warriors, though the rest made him seem as if belonged in the wilds. The stranger walked towards Mar. Instead of stopping the man passed through Mar, their shoulders moving through each other as if they did not have substance. The man kept walking into the distance. Mar stood speechless, having no idea what was happening. He looked back at the graves, noticing the torches burning on each patch of dirt. Before Mar could read the etching on the stones the environment changed once again. Everything here was happening very quickly, bullets were flying through the air. He was on Mars, tucked behind a rock sticking out of the sand. Two Guardians were pinned down behind it, Cabal throwing everything they had at them. Mar knew he could not help, he knew he wasn’t actually there. Bullets shot straight through him, landing in the sand dunes. Mar could see Cabal moving around to flank the overwhelmed Guardians, standing there helpless. He closed his eyes, not wanting to see the brutality. Several pops went off, each followed shortly by a large thud. Mar opened his eyes to see the stranger jumping over a sand dune. He wielded a scout rifle, cracking off shot after shot. Each round found its home in the skull of a Cabal. The man fired with a speed and accuracy that Mar could not keep up. The stranger slid past the Guardians, throwing a knife at a Cabal Colossus as he popped up. The knife sunk deep and knocked the Colossus down. He spun back throwing a trip mine into a group of legionaries. The firing died down, the only ones left were those on the other side of the rock. The man walked up and greeted the Guardians. He lifted them up with an open hand, while handing them ammo synth. They reloaded as he moved to the side of the rock. Mar watched as the stranger stood, seemingly without any damage or faintness. The man tossed another trip mine over the rock and pointed at the two Guardians to move forward. He spun around the rock, momentarily gazing at Mar, and began to fire once again. Pain shot through Mar again, causing him to stumble. Everything flashed before his eyes, a new scene forming around him. He found himself in the throne room of a ketch. An unknown Kell sat upon the throne, scouring over data. It wore heavy armor, only his neck was showing. Mar walked around, fascinated. He quickly studied the Kell, watching everything he did, Looking at all of him. The door at the end of the room opened, then clicked shut. The Kell rose from his throne, moving the screens to the side. A terrible roar came out of its mouth. Mar looked to see what had entered, It was the stranger. The man walked forward, walking without fear or doubt. Several Vandals moved forward, each meeting a bullet to the head. He popped each one right after the other. The stranger placed the scout rifle on his back, looking straight at the kell who was moving forward as well. He pulled his daggers out as he began running. Mar watched, waiting for the stranger to get crushed beneath the Kells claws. The stranger slid as the Kell swung out. He popped back up and leaped into the air. The man pushed off from the Kells left thigh plate, leaping towards the right. His dagger slid between the Beasts chest and shoulder plate. The stranger used his momentum to swing around the chest and up, allowing him to dig his other dagger into the exposed neck. The man pulled his other dagger out and plunged it into the other side of the Kells neck. He pulled one dagger back while pushing one dagger forward. The stranger landed on the ground, kneeling down. The Kells head came crashing to the ground, with a large thud following suit. The stranger turned and cleaned its daggers, sheathing them quickly. Mar once again changed scenes. This time he was back at the tree. The bark was healed, but the signs of the damage done were still there. The stranger was here, laying against the tree. He seemed comfortable, as if he was at home here. Mar walked up and tried to touch the man’s foot. Once again he just passed through him. He stepped back and watched, waiting to see what was going to happen. The stranger pulled his hood down and reached up to his helm. Mar began to wonder who this person was and why he was seeing visions of him. A small pop sounded when the helmet unsealed itself from the neck guard. Mar waited as the helmet came off. A small thud rang through Mars head, as the man’s helmet was set on the ground. The strange was facing away from Mar, hiding his face. Mar started to walk around him, then everything went black again. The Rise of a Legend Chapter 1: The City Chapter 5: Transforming Light Chapter 7: Away from the Light
#Destiny #MAr

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