Since its so hard to find people looking for a level 35 run i made a thread just for it. Hopefully it helps people
Post your :
-Round you are on
Anybody needs help lvl 34 Hunter anybody on last round
Need a level 34 Titan!!! (Poe 35) on your round three! Add Sack_boy_70!
Need 34 titan with bubble for poe 35 must have p&t or thunderlord maxed and have good skill. Add: bubbadg95
Need 2 people to help run prison of elders skolas Lvl 34 Hunter with 365 gally Add Nightmare_Puppet
Need a 34 for Skolas who has beaten him this week PSN: ArticularAlloy
At skolas cp. Looking for one 34 titan. Add tinsl3y_22
Edited by souryes: 5/28/2015 7:08:13 AMNeed 34 Titan for fresh run idgaf if you beat it or not just need arc weapons and weapons of light and you are in we beat it last week Psn: Wizard-Ozone
Need 1 more for prison of elders! Lvl 35 vs Skolas!
Need one titan for skolas cp. Add tinsl3y_22
34 Hunter with maxed arc load out Beat him already looking for fresh or cp
Need 1 34 with Max arc sniper and Max arc heavy For fresh 35 PoE Add:caleb832001
34 Warlock AT SKOLAS. 365 arc sniper with staggering and 365 arc machine gun. I need people WHO HAVE BEATEN HIM THIS WEEK and know Exactly how to do it without a doubt. I want to kill him within 5 tries. Please leave your PSN, level, character type, weapons, and whether you have beat him this week. I really don't want to waste anymore time
34 Warlock AT SKOLAS. 365 arc sniper with staggering and 365 arc machine gun. I need people WHO HAVE BEATEN HIM THIS WEEK and know Exactly how to do it without a doubt. I want to kill him within 5 tries. Please leave your PSN, level, character type, weapons, and whether you have beat him this week. I really don't want to waste anymore time
Need 1 Lvl 34 only Psn: Wizard-Ozone
Need one for POE lvl 35 Got to have maxed out patient and time And be lvl 33+ We are in skolas cp just join in Add same tag
34 warlock with arc weapons looking for skolas fight. I have done it before I know how to beat it easy. Add Morris-22D
1 34 Warlock and 1 34 Titan Both have max paitence and times Looking for SKOLAS or Fresh 35 PoE Add:caleb832001
Edited by souryes: 5/28/2015 6:43:35 AMNeed 1 PSN: Wizard-Ozone (TITAN REQUIRED)
Looking for 34 Titan that has beaten it this week with Max arc sniper and arc heavy for fresh 35 PoE Add: caleb832001
Need 34 Titan with weapons of light and arc sniper. Skolas cp
lfg lvl 34 hunter maxed patience and time, gjallarhorn, thunder lord etc. for skolas
in need of help with maxed patience and time on SKOLAS 35
34 Warlock that LISTENS Lf Skolas Cp Add Omittes
Lvl 34 Titan looking for skolas team. Add TDMarsh87
Looking for skolas cp have a lvl 34 or whatever you need and a lvl 34 titan
At skolas. Looking for 34 Titan. Sebbybrown.