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Discuss all things Destiny.
5/27/2015 11:09:40 PM

Bungie Make Poe an Actual Challenge

Now before the 30-year somethings with no life but work then destiny and ignoring their significant others get on about teamwork, communication, and "git gud" let me say something, Bungie... Bungie...Making it to where you put hive after cabal then cabal then hive isn't good game design. Shoving these two as your rounds in prison of elders is pathetic. Prison of elders should be an arena where you should feel overwhelmed but at the same time be able to come out on top due to your team's efforts. Instead you artificially stack the odds in the enemies favor by putting giant ass enemies i.e the cabal on small ass maps. Shoving the cabal at us because they do a bunch of damage, have shields, centurions that hop and shoot a million rockets is -blam!-ing stupid. The thing is the hive and cabal get the most replay is because centurions and wizards. They do the most amount of damage in the least amount of time for any enemy, combined with their mobility and shields. IT's not hard to kill them just difficult because they have shields and nine times out of ten they are armored(yellow health bar). And adding ARC BURN to hive encounters to drag them out doesn't help. Don't think prison of elders is hard because there are actual good game elements that make the enemies think better and act faster. IT's because it's cheaply made with stupid grab bag objectives, small maps, cheap modifiers, and insane amounts of enemies. I congratulate those who manage to come out "victorious", but it's just a shit method of an endgame. At least a raid has actual challenge, learning curve, and progression. Prison reflects the whole game well. Cheap, Repetitive, monotonous. Also.I know I can quit and not play the content, but what's the point of just quitting when I can voice my opinion openly about the faults and hope I generate enough buzz for deej to listen to us plebs.

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