Last weeks' 'Falls
Dragons' Breath
Dragons' Breath
Light Beyond Nemesis
*Burns commendations, gets Themisto (3/4 Monarchy Shaders complete!), and... Motes. Not a single weapon.(Though a week later I pick up both an Admonisher and a Red Hand from ze packages.)
Last week, open PoE chest three times:
Her Right Hand
Her Right Hand (Bear in-mind the High Impact Autos are literally the WORST for TTK and DPS among Autos, High Stability models are not only easier to use but also have higher DPS & TTK)
Payment VI (Totally inferior to the AllFATE)
Dragons' Breath
Have six guys who all want to have you on their ToO team, can't log-in first thing Friday and everyone already has their team running. Join a random guy to find that he can't host or be part of a party due to the fact his "GF's asleep", oh, and the other guy is just absolutely terrible. Find a team after that, go 5/0, Power outage due to weather. Unable to play there-after. (oh, and all that while being in the top 7% in Destiny Tracker for PvP, top 2% in Texas)
This weeks Nightfall runs:
Sawtooth Oscillator
Sawtooth Oscillator
Nothing, checked Postmaster, checked inventory everywhere, just nothing. Every slot had an empty space. (Looking back on it, I assume I got either Motes or Coins)
Goes into 32 PoE, gets Weasel'd with Urrox at less than 10%, I just needed that Armor core but NO! -blam!- IT! I'M DONE FOR THE DAY!
Can you beat this?
last week I got a ram, a dragon's breath, and a no land beyond from the night fall. Now I know the ram is awesome and it would have been a good drop if not for xur spitting out 4 more(that were all better) via helmet engrams along with around 6-8 mask f the 3rd man and apotheeosis veils(I bough 32 helmet engrams and I got screwed the only helmet I wanted was the nighthawk which I didn't get.) I wasted somewhere around 700 motes of light on xur last week and I got nothing that I really wanted(had I not gotten the ram from the nightfall I might have forgiven him. This week I've gotten trash as well so I'm not to happy(got a crappy pulse rifle from valiks from the judgement chance(I really don't like pulse rifles bar the bad juju, oversoul edict, and the red death.)