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Edited by Shiki: 5/29/2015 5:58:45 PM

Does PS4 or XBone have better graphics?

I recently joined the ranks of gamers with both consoles, and i love it! They both have their own strengths and weaknesses. But i am now wondering which one is better in the sense of graphics/framerate/ect.(performance). I heard that Bloodborne's reason for not being on Xbox is because it can't run it as well as the PS4, so that got me wondering if i should start buying most of my games on PS4 based on that. I'd appreciate if anyone has some actual knowledge on the difference in specs between the two consoles. [b][u]Edit:[/u][/b] [i]I did some searching and it looks like the xb1 is slightly lower in detail (very slightly), but it has variable framerate that will automatically adjust between 30-40fps while the ps4 has a static 30fps. So basically, ps4 is slightly better in graphics but has a higher chance of lag, while the xbox has slightly less detailed graphics but is smoother on framerate and less likely to lag. So i think i'll get The Witcher 3 on xbox.[/i]

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  • Edited by Zeta Reticulan: 7/13/2015 7:52:47 AM
    All you'll get with the PS4 is extra grass in GTAV

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    • Edited by Tu Chocolate Caliente: 5/26/2015 11:43:47 PM
      Everything is shit Xbox is shit PlayStation is shit PC is shit Nintendo is shit Humans are walking shits We are all shit on the inside

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      11 Replies
      • PC [spoiler]Kek[/spoiler]

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      • You can't see the difference

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      • Playstation by a long shot

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          Ps4 has slightly better graphics but you'd never notice it

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          • I can't tell a difference tbh. Mostly game on the xbone and Netflix and exclusives on the ps4.

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          • Dearest Thread Originator, When my eyes first glanced upon your rather eloquently worded treatise regarding this particular subject, it did not require much time, nay, dare I say it was in fact almost instantaneous that I was able to summarize that your post- though masterfully written with such quality that it may indeed rival the quintessential prose of authors such as Dostoevsky, Baldwin or perhaps even Joyce- was quite prolix; based upon the aforementioned conclusion, I resolved that I would exercise no more of my mental faculties in the act of comprehending the text that you had written. Sincerely, and wholly unequivocally yours, Spyglass. Post Scriptum, In the future it would be most advantageous, not only for me but also the other members of this forum that you provide a brief summary of your text that emphasizes the more principle points of what you have composed. Post Post Scriptum, I would also like to make one additional comment if I may. It is in my humble and most earnest opinion that you are of the caliber of person whose taste appeals to prurient interests due to unassailable fact that you are a homosexual of the most flamboyant persuasion.

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            2 Replies
            • OMFG as a Owner of both console PS4 has slightly better graphics( I main my Xbox tho)

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            • PC does.

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              • The difference is insignificant at best. If you want noticeably better graphics get a pc, if you don't care either console is fine.

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              • Theyre about the same tbh

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                • Why do you care why do you need to feed the hate?

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                  • PS4 is 1080 but gets a lot of frame rate drops in certain situations. XBox runs 1080 and 900 up-scaled, but has less frame rate drops. The general consensus is that the PS4 looks a smidgen better. The only time I've seen horrendous frame rate issues was in a Bloodborne chalice dungeon with three witches summoning 9 soot-demon things. The summoning effect x9 = 5 FPS. It bothers me more than it normally would for two reasons, BB is a PS4 exclusive and should have that sort of thing ironed out and 2, any frame rate issues in a game like BB will get you killed in short order. The remastered games and Destiny are super stable with frame rates. Which makes me wonder about Destiny. Side by side with a casual eye, there's no difference really. Honestly I've been playing so much Dark Souls 2, every next gen game looks like a freaking work of art by comparison. That's what happens when you sacrifice some graphical wonder for solid gameplay, and I'm not complaining. But yes, it's technically a remaster, and a tiny one at that <12GB (it's practically an indie game). So really, your choices of console should boil down to two things. Which menu UI you like better and which one your friends play. Also, if you want to keep playing Halo for another 15 years, Xbox is where you want to be. If you're really looking forward to an Amy Hennig-less Uncharted 4, PS4 is your bag. Both consoles have suffered a masterful tech demo paraded as a game. PS4 had The Order 1886 and XB1 had Ryse. So if you want to see how pretty each respective console is, I guess go rent those or hit up your local store display.

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                  • Your edit is not accurate at all bud, the only time you'll see worst frame rate on the ps4 is when it's in 1080p and xbone is in 900p. Even then it's usually at or above the xbone's frame rate.

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                    2 Replies
                    • PS4

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                    • Ps4,

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                    • Edited by trickshot1002: 5/29/2015 4:38:00 PM
                      Ps4 by like 50 pixels We're talking in terms of cod, you'd have to zoom in with a sniper to see pixels, ps4 you need variable zoom

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                      • Neither. It just comes down to the wire on two or three games where a couple xbone will have better graphics and PS4 will have better graphics on a different game

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                        • Yes and is a better console overall

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                        • 1) nobody cares 2) ps4 does (better resolution or more foliage etc) 3) nobody cares

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                        • Technically speaking the ps4 has the better hardware but performance is affected by the game a lot more than by the difference in hardware between the two I'd recommend whichever had the games you prefer not just most powerful.

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                        • GameSphere

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                        • Ps4 does have the better graphics/resolution currently

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                        • Bloodborne wasnt made for xbone because Sony developed it with From. The graphics are the same and Witcher 3 actually runs smoother on xbone.

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                          12 Replies
                          • Ps4 has slightly better hardware. But pc will always be the best if you're looking for graphics

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