There we are joining in a ToO match and noticed while checking out the opponents one of them was level 25. Seemed odd, but we let it go. We start the match, we're playing and wrecking them when I hear one of my teammates say:"Oh no." Then he left the chat and then the fireteam, followed by psn. I told our other teammate:"Oh he probably DCed."
At that moment I was shooting at the level 25 whose name was "Cannot use names on Bungie Forums". He was just standing there and not taking any damage. At this moment I realized I left the PSN chat. Then I left the fireteam and ultimately booted from PSN while making my Playstation freeze.
If you don't ban these players Bungie, could you at least investigate them?
Complete trash experience playing a good competitive PVP... Counted as our loss and ultimately ruined the chance at a Mercury experience. Have a good day.
Video of my friend's point of view, but it just looks like he got disconnect. Mine was way more obvious, but it made my PS4 freeze so I couldn't even record it. :-/ I think they just left our other team mate in their alone to go 3v1 and jump him or make him quit for a victory, but he was a random and I forgot his name, so I dunno... Level 25 with exotic helmet and then blue and green other stuff. Lol