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5/26/2015 8:21:43 AM
[quote]I've seen the 'floofing about' and 'we taught them to blink' statements on Warlock gear but is there more stuff in the Grimoire? Also, even without the grimoire, I see alot of back and forth between Warlocks and Hunters on a daily basis. Are Warlocks just jealous nerds, are Hunters just stuck up cool kids? Edit 1: It's funny how the Titans just sit back with popcorn watching all this go down. Edit 2: I'm seeing claims of sexual tension, very interesting stuff! Edit 3 - You gotta admit, 'Floof' is a very funny word Edit 4 - ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Edit 5 - Uhm, is this thread going out of control? Edit 6 - So, claims of Hunters hopping around like bunnies are pretty funny. Edit 7 - So many replies!! Thanks. Edit 8 - So Warlocks floof and Hunters bunny hop.... Edit 9 - MalPen is the only Warlock allowed to eat popcorn with the Titans...he brought beer. Edit 10 - It has been speculated that the 'squishy' floofy Warlocks are just pretending to be friends with the Titans just so they can use them as muscle against the Hunters.....the plot thickens[/quote] Ikora rey, toland the shattered, erianna-3, osiris, etc, were and are all warlocks. We are the ones who unravel the secrets of the hive, vex, the nine, traveler, the light, and the ahamkara. You know, those gargantuan space dragons. I mean without warlocks we'd be good as dead. Sure we'd have brawn, and scouting of the field, but what good is having maps of gorgon's maze along with the power to kill atheon when we won't even have the revelation that we can just sneak past those stupid gorgons. In other words, you can be a pretentious hunter but you'd be nothing without a warlock. And truth be told, snooty warlocks would be nothing without hunters.

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  • And we would die at Day One if the Titans never constructed the Wall or Defended those peeps.

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  • [quote]And we would die at Day One if the Titans never constructed the Wall or Defended those peeps.[/quote] Yet at the battle of twilight gap, only two circumstances saved us from utter annihilation by the fallen. The first being the wit of erianna-3. Alone this sunsinger formulated the greatest defense strategy yet. She, along with every willing sunsinger came together to fabricate a gargantuan star. Voidwalkers then utilized their power to siphon and augment the star making it highly unstable and used it's power as a a nova bomb capable of killing all enemies in the vicinity. The second being lord shaxx. Now because of his ego he left his post to attempt and take on the enemy fist first. Now, he did win, however thanks to his narcissistic arrogance, hundreds of guardians and defense frames. Now I don't doubt a titans experience or strength, nevertheless if you all would listen and take orders the same as warlocks and hunters do rather than allowing arrogance to get in the way there would be a lot less casualties. Even the creation of the walls was an insubordinate act. Even now when I create a strategy there is a high probability a titan will rambo it and get us all killed. I mean, without us warlocks at twilight gap, Shaxx wouldn't have won that fight and the walls would have surely fell

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  • Most people hate the warlock "floof" or whatever you were calling it ( I think it's a funny word ) most people hate the jump because they use the jump when it doesn't have the focused burst perk on it. It's really bad until that perk is acquired. On a different note, why do people care about which class is better? Warlocks, Titans, and Hunters all have their ups and downs.

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  • Edited by xOFWGKTAx00: 5/29/2015 11:12:56 AM

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  • We kill stuff, with knives :)

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  • It's funny because kabr taught us about the hezen corrective in vog not warlocks. He was a titan.

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  • [quote]It's funny because kabr taught us about the hezen corrective in vog not warlocks. He was a titan.[/quote] Osiris (a warlock) studied vex as a hezen lord also. Only difference between him and kabr is that A. The vex armor and weaponry didn't corrupt him like it did kabr, B. He didn't die, and C. He now has an entire cult worshiping him

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  • Yes, also he is wearing a dress while kabr wore armor made of a goblin

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  • [quote]Yes, also he is wearing a dress while kabr wore armor made of a goblin[/quote] Yeah because I, a sane human being along with plenty of people would rather wear a high-tech mesh combination of our enemies dead carcasses than a even farther advanced "dress" that was fabricated by studying the enemies to see what properties were more resistant to them so the "dress" would be stronger than dead body armor. (Sarcastic defense sentence is sarcastic)

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  • And your friendship bracelets

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  • [quote]And your friendship bracelets[/quote] At least the "friendship bracelets" look menacing or oppressive sometimes while also again being much more advanced, and have profound meaning.

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  • We have marks that remind us of the great battles. You guys have whatever you want to call it. Hunters have capes acting like they are superman or something

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  • [quote]We have marks that remind us of the great battles. You guys have whatever you want to call it. Hunters have capes acting like they are superman or something[/quote] The bonds remind all warlocks of the ignorance that past guardians held leading to their inevitable demise. It pushes us to unravel all secrets and some bonds even act as vast fountains of knowledge. In other when the bond glows of light there is a foundry of information for the warlock to study. Bonds act as encyclopedias and symbols of power , intellect and experience. While hunter capes act as battered skins telling of what they endured to get them, while also acting like superman. So yeah I'd like to see a cape or a mark function as super precise processing google search

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  • Well idk about the capes but you need to put different marks together for the full story For example: mark of the six fronts and mark of the lost charge.

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  • [quote]Well idk about the capes but you need to put different marks together for the full story For example: mark of the six fronts and mark of the lost charge.[/quote] That's cool. So the titans know about the forming of the walls and the whole exo tower thing. Similar to how warlock bonds tell of twilight gap. Guess that means titans are now the second smartest class.

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  • Yup :)

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  • You are the students that study too much, you couldn't survive without Hunters or Titans.

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  • Why would a hunter, who has a subclass focused on stealth, need a warlock to tell him "hey why don't you try sneaking through the maze?" Not only is this a poorly thought out comment but it was also a bad one. You should feel bad.

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  • [quote]Why would a hunter, who has a subclass focused on stealth, need a warlock to tell him "hey why don't you try sneaking through the maze?" Not only is this a poorly thought out comment but it was also a bad one. You should feel bad.[/quote] Gorgon ai can listen for running, footsteps, etc. So they can still find you even if your invisible. It's happened to a ton of my raid buddies. Also who said it was a good comment? Human opinions are bad in general.

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  • I was doing a cog run and one guy kept saying Gordon's can't here and he was swearing when he died and at me but kept double jumping and when I suggested to not use abilities he's like y don't u do it by yourself warlock so I almost kicked him but right after gorgon he left and rejoined wen atheon was almost dead and got us all killed then blamed it on the rest of us I hate hunters for that reason their so arrogant and self reliant but won't listen to strategy

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  • [quote]I was doing a cog run and one guy kept saying Gordon's can't here and he was swearing when he died and at me but kept double jumping and when I suggested to not use abilities he's like y don't u do it by yourself warlock so I almost kicked him but right after gorgon he left and rejoined wen atheon was almost dead and got us all killed then blamed it on the rest of us I hate hunters for that reason their so arrogant and self reliant but won't listen to strategy[/quote] Precisely

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  • Vog

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  • Crouch and go past them can walk right in front of them while invis

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  • I was just making sure you knew how much I disliked your post. Please go about your regularly scheduled program.

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  • If you dint have anything nice to say, kindly take a long walk off a short pier.

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