Hunters have scrub supers, so they're the easiest to use. Warlocks (Voidwalker) are masterrace. Titans are a bit tricky. I was doing pretty dang well with mine two iron banners ago.
Don't lie to your self, hunters supers are on the same level as the others
Can a blade dancer or gunslinger die during their super ? Yes, can a Titan ? No
Yes it can. Nova bomb it.
Titans can die right as they're activating Fist of Havoc, actually... I've been killed several times attempting it... If They have the "Unstoppable" perk selected then it's nearly impossible to kill them, but you don't get Shoulder Charge... Which I'm guessing most Titans (myself included) would rather run with. Good thing the new Titan exotic helm includes Unstoppable, so now we can have both >:)
[quote]Hunters have scrub supers, so they're the easiest to use. Warlocks (Voidwalker) are masterrace. Titans are a bit tricky. I was doing pretty dang well with mine two iron banners ago.[/quote] No troll intended. But how do you feel voidwalkers as being masterrace?
Voidwalkers have a pretty big radius. But you have to aim good
Not with Nova Tracking really