I've tried Crucible over and over. My friends tell me it's fun, and that you have to get use to it, but they're playing as Warlocks and Hunters. I'm constantly being wrecked by players, that are mostly Hunters and Warlocks. Even thinking about it, I don't really see that many Titans in the Crucible. The Titan abilities seem to only really work in defense, even the Striker Subclass. Is any other Titan just getting destroyed out there? I'm good at games like Halo and Battlefield, and I'll admit, I'm not great at Crucible, but this is out of control! Does anyone feel the same? Are Titans a weaker PvP class?
I think you should try using a different class. My first character was a striker Titan, and I leveled him up to lvl 28 before I made a hunter. I made a hunter 'cause I was like, "Beotches keep killin me wif dere f-ing hunters in Crucible". I regret nothing. The feel of the Hunter is much more good, much more comfortable than a Titan. For me least. Then, just a month or so ago, I made a warlock, and I liked playing as that even more than I did my hunter! I've tried going back to my Titan a few times over this period, but he just doesn't FEEL good to use. I think Titans are great in PvE. PvP, meh, they're ok. It all really depends on the player though. You could have the best gear in any game, the "best class", and lots of friends, but it comes down to you. What YOU feel comfortable with. If you want to, you can try to get better with the Titan in Crucible. Or you can avoid the Crucible altogether, and continue to use your Titan. Or you can make a warlock and/or hunter if you haven't already, and try using them in Crucible.