My crew is willing to help only thing we need is some1 who doesn't rush the entire match. xD it's not hard to get flawless without camping or using blink/shotgun etc you just have to play extremely smart. Use grenade tactics, abuse your classes special ability etc. Unless you're against a team who rushes hard every round playing tactically should always get you a win.
If you guys still offering, I'm about to slit my wrists with random groups. I would love to join in. PSN Kytana
I would love help too PSN Mel0yell0w91
I could use some help I'm really good at crucible on my 34 hunter rocking bladedancer xcharmz_2_nasty- on ps4
Are you guys on 360? My mic won't work but I can still listen and I need so serious help.
Rushing and putting my pressure on the other team is the best strat
Could you help me at like 6-7?
I'm keen.
Edited by Cedric: 5/25/2015 12:05:31 PMThanks but I on xbox
I would love a hand getting flawless if you are up for helping? I have played a fair amount of crucible so not a stranger to it by any means. Is your psn as above?
I'm on ps4
Ps3, xbox one, 360, or Ps4?