I've done this and will continue to do this. Anyone who can go 9-0 regardless of how deserves it.
Could i join you next weekend on ToO please?
Of course! Just message me on xbox. Remind me of this post. I'd be glad to do my best to help everyone! GT is same as Username
Alright,thanks bro
I'd love to run with you on 360 tommorow if that's ok?
Absolutely shoot me a msg or req
Really? How about the lag switch 9-0, they deserve it?
Okay of course not. But I wont be helping lag switchers.
Yo, man, you rock. Nice to know there's still good people in this community. I'm on 360 as well. I don't have any of the DLC's but I really want to run VoG more. I've only done it twice. Any help would be great. My GT is the same as my display name.
Yes I can help! Anytime I'm on i'll help PoE or ToO. Message me or send me a req.
Ok Thanks I appreciate it I'll msg u whenever I can:)
If anyone wants help I'm on 360
You... you deserve a frickin' medal.
Thanks. Actually let other teams win sometimes. One time we did it they got flawless after their 6th time getting to 8 and losing. They deserved it.
That's awesome. I kinda felt like a d*** in one or two games when it said players on the opposing team had a "Completed Trials Passage"; that means we just handed them their 3rd loss. I know how it feels when you get hit with that final nail in the coffin...
It sucks. I feel bad and when I can tell we would wreck a team we have just been letting them win. Everyone wants treasure(:
Hey bro I been try to get 9:0 but can't can u help me sometime?Thanks!
On 360?
Yes I'm on 360.