Post what you looking for and please tell if your good at crucible.
Very good, good, average, not bad, bad, or sucks.
Post your PSN your level what you need
Add me if your good in crucible im looking for good ones im trying to do flawless run.
Im playing trials right now so add me if you are good
Psn: katok047
Pvp: very good
LFG to trials - Solid PvPer looking for players that can teach and help me to become more skilled in the crucible/T.o.o./Iron banner.
Need 1 more for trials. Please be 34 and have kd of 1.5 or above. Ive got 1.8 overall. Add SvReenen
ToO need 1 more be lvl 34 add stelx7
Anyone willing to help me with a flawless? I went 8-0 last night only to lose the last one.. This time I want 9. I'm a lv34 Warlock. Add Starlight-Savior
Add holocron7 for PoE 34, please be 34, I am at the boss fight
Need 2 33+ with mic for trials Trying for flawless Add me MaGexmany 33 Titan with thorn (still upgrading)
ToO Looking to create a team for ToO. Requirements: Lvl34, Thorn, or any op weapons max. A mic, it's helpful, Good at Pvp, No playing around, wanna win, That's going listen, Mature only please. I'm a Lvl34 Hunter: golden gun, or Blade Dancer, I'm a Lvl34 Titan: Defender, or Striker, I'm a Lvl34 Warlock: Sunsliger or VoidWalker, All max weapons. I'm good at Pvp. I completed flawless in ToO 6times. Always going for flawless, on all characters. Comment below if you want to be part of this ToO team. Comment your requirements you have. Add: VenaTic_Vortex Only add me if you have all requirements. Thanks for reading. Don't forget to follow me on bungie. Playstation 3 only. "For Friday"
Need 1 34 great crucible plYer for toO
Looking for 2 for trials. I went 9-0 last week but this weeks map I just can't seem to get a hang of so I need 2 teammates that are good and know the map well so can get adjusted and also have a mic. Add same name
Looking for 2 for ToO Level 34 hunter Must be level 34 Experienced Mic Name as above
pvp: very good lvl: 34 Looking to go 9-0 two more times this week psn: killercatnrm
Need 1 34 for trials must be good
Looking for someone to do the P.O.E with I got a warlock of level 32 and a hunter PSN:hirsi033
Looking to Do ToO! Im a Level 33 Warlock! Looking to get At Least Five Wins! Im on PS3 And My PSN is the Same as my username on this! Add me If you Are Interested! Also I have no Mic But If you Have Skype Thats Fine To! :)
Need 1 more for too 34+ with micc Be exp We are going for 9-0 Psn: lolgutten
Need 2 for trials. Must be 33+ Add me snowaggerbaby
Looking for 2 for trials need thorn or vex add CorruptKnight343
Looking for 2 for trials need to be 33+ with vex or thorn add CorruptKnight343
Looking for some some solid honest players for trials, don't have to be 34, don't have to be the best. Just have a mic and be solid add sam0044
Add me for trials of osiris : nomoremrlofi
Looking for 2 dominant level 34 players for a Trials of Osiris run. You must know what you are doing, and is better if you've already gone flawless before. Add the same name as above (Ps3)
Edited by Drrtbag: 6/6/2015 8:03:18 AM34 hunter can hold my own. Need 2 for trials. Add ZOMBIE-SI_AYER or post your username.
Watchtower 2020 lf team + 1 kd check stats please
Need two for trials message me here or online
We need one more for Trials We've gone flawless many times Add Eidriancheatham