This post is for people that need a powerful team to complete the trials of osiris. People with good communication, team work and
patience with be the greatest.
I am a very competitive person
Level 33 all classes
Maxed out pvp weapons
Maxed out subclasses
Good with every class
Message o4032958227403 if you want to add me.
Good job guardians on the first week of trials. Hope you guys found your perfect teams.
Need one add likeablept
Whodat_o_o_o Looking to get at least 5 wins on my lock, and then my titan. Already got it on my hunter. Add me to play
Need 1 add Bgcntry6
Edited by EliteAngel24: 5/26/2015 4:41:12 AM
Looking to do trials, add krustyblanket
I'm lvl 34 warlock maxed hawk moon looking to go flawless I was so close before can anyone with experience help a brother out add me xXDeathNote01Xx
If you have 400k+ medal score/1.5+ k/d ratio and have a mic then add me. I have 650k medal score/1.75 k/d ratio. Ive done flawless twice, 1 class left (34 titan).
Looking for 2 skilled players for flawless trials. Have completed on my warlock, but would like to complete on Hunter and titan. Ideally looking for people who have completed flawless already. Add f14tomcat1986
Level 34 warlock with maxed thorn and has been to lighthouse. Looking for 1 other 34 and 34 only and must have went flawless before. Psn t3low3
Looking for trials flawless partners 1.25kd hunter with 102 combat rating. Already flawless on my warlock. Add zadklown
lvl 33 please somebody just get me 5 wins. thats all I need only join if you are positive you can make 5 wins. I can make it but haven't had the right team so far. I will help with anything in return. add out-o-step
I need help getting 9-0 before reset. I need 2 good, experienced 33+ guardians to help me get to the lighthouse.
Need a good 34 player for flawless trails add shortstuff91537
Looking for group with 34s. I've already went flawless but need to go again add Damian-garza_01
Need one more experienced 34, psn mcnastylovin
Looking for serious players for trials add cooldad9000 and let's win 10 straight
Lv 33 warlock looking to get 5 wins for trials. 9:0 would be nice but im not great. Psn same as above.
Edited by slackersol: 5/26/2015 4:17:38 AM
Need one level 34 for Trials, add AcG-Twin
Exp 34 hunter psn mcnastylovin max thorn
Level 34 warlock with maxed thorn and has been to lighthouse. Looking for 2 other 34s and 34 only and must have went flawless before. Psn t3low3
Need one level 34 for Trials, add AcG-Twin
Edited by hstag420yoloswag: 5/26/2015 4:12:07 AMNeed two Level 33+ for at least 5 wins for armor. Add hstag420yoloswag
Need one 34 for flawless Psn:Mny-rspct-pwr
34 warlock Looking to join a team for flawless trials Add: ittz_the_end [ps4]
Looking for group, need atleast 5 wins for armor