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5/23/2015 8:07:16 AM

Trials of Osiris - Begging for Help

I hate to admit this, but I am not good at the Crucible. In fact, I suck. I've got one win, and I bought the item that will give me two if I win again. I am literally begging for help from the much more skilled players out there. I'm gonna be 30 in a few months, and with that age, my gaming skills have waned. My goal is five wins. Just enough to get a good piece of armor. I have a level 31 (almost 32) Titan that I can run in either Striker or Defender. I've got some OK gear, I think. Once again, I am begging for help. Just three Trials of Osiris wins is all I need (I currently have zero losses). I can't offer anything but a genuine thanks, and much deserved gratitude to whomever help. I'll check back here tomorrow. My gamertag is DiabeticChocobo if anyone feels like throwing me a message offering to help. Any and all help is appreciated. Have a nice day folks.

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