This is coming from an agnostic atheist btw.
UPDATE: Most of you are just proving my point, so...
UPDATE x2: I'm getting really sick of the same old "not all atheists do" response. I'm aware. Maybe you people should read the post body and other comments before posting the exact same thing over again.
Superiority complex. Don't quite remember the specifics of the meaning. But the answer is conformity. No, wait. Right. Rich people. You know how some rich people often consider themselves above others because of their wealth? Their wealth makes them better? It's a sense of security. And a fake one at that. It's the very same reason why some people like to put other people down. When they put others down, they get a fake ego boost and a reassurance in themselves. Your question, is actually mistaken. Why do so many people, in general and not just supposedly athiests, have, superiority complexes? Because they're insecure. People like to feel safe and correct in their convictions and ways of doing things. So they put up some blinds over their eyes and say hello to a falsely constructed reality in which they mean something.