Tip 1: Be a hunter and use Arc Blade
Tip 2: Have the legendary hand cannon Thorn
Seriously it is beyond me why Bungie refuses to nerf these two ridiculously over powered and imbalanced parts of the game. It is out of control and makes the multiplayer a joke. Someone please explain this to me?
EDIT: Hardee har I said legendary instead of exotic. Such funny.
I main a hunter but you want to know an easy way around that...don't use your supers as panic attacks. I've played crucible with all 3 characters. I always save my supers for heavies or if I hear another super go off. If I see a titan hulk smash or a void walker nova bomb me, there is no way I'm getting out of it. If I hear a blade dancer go off guess what I have ready. A super. 1. On voidwalker. Hears Bladedancer, start dancing so he Rambos in, then kaboom nova bomb to the face. 2. On titan FoH. Same rules apply as 1. 3. On titan defender. If I'm a defender I'm rocking armor of light. Let's see who lasts longer in my bubble with a shotgun and helm of saint. 4. On a gunslinger. If I hear blade. I get my distance as far away from the sound and pop my super. With good aim he'll go down easy. 5. On sunsinger. If he kills me, oh well. That's 1 kill on me for him. I'll pop my super and destroy him back by raining nades from hell when his super is over. 6. On bladedancer. If you can't beat him join him. Two can play at that game. You blink bladedance me. I'll blink bladedance you back.