Does the existence of existence exist?
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There's an opposite for everything. If we really exist than there is nothing. But, if this is nothing and just a dream, then there would be existence out there. I guess that proves that existence exists regardless of the circumstances.
Cognito ergo sum
Check my recent thread
existence exists in our minds
> Insert finger in blender. > Taste finger. > Does finger taste like blood? > Existence proven.
How can existence be real if our eyes aren't real?
But how can existence exist if our eyes aren't real?
It doesn't, until its observed. :)
I think, therefore I am.
Stephen Hawking said that since the light we see from stars is actually millions of years old, if you built a big enough telescope, you could see the beginning of time. It exists. We just can't see it yet.
Something that exists would have to verify...
Well of course existence exists. If it didn't then the thing that didn't exist would be something that was never not never to never not be the existing thing that exists in the time period of existing existence. Therefore the existence that does exist is not the existence that wasn't the existence that was existing at the time of none existence, so existing is something that is to exist as long as there isn't anything to not be the thing that doesn't exist at the time of its existence.
I guess it can't really be proven. For all we know our dreams could be real and what "really" exists could be a dream. Matrix style...
I can't.
Damn. Now I have to have a deep, thoughtful, and faith provoking thinking session
Do you have matter if not than the answers is no
K[i] [/i]
It doesn't right now you're just dreaming.
Dam u str8 babygurl