So I was looking on the Destiny Database website and was excited to find a new House of Wolves shotgun that seemed to have good PvE stats called "Dry Rot 32". After some research I found out that it was a Vanguard weapon, so I went over to the Vangaurd Quartermaster and it was not there. There wasn't even a shotgun in the inventory. If I remember correctly there used to always be 12 weapons in the inventory but now there is only 6. Has anyone noticed this? Is there a refresh on the items? Hopefully it's just a glitch and Bungie fixes it.
Edit #1: Fixed title to make it more relevant.
The Dry Rot 32 is available from drops at the end of Crucible matches and other weapons like it are available from drops at the end of Vanguard Dragon. I just got my hands on the Snakebite Surgeon fusion rifle and the Dispatch I11 auto rifle. Realized they couldn't be bought from vendor inventory and looked them up. Doesn't look like they belong to any specific faction in the game but are just rare Legendary weapons. I really like them. :)
You will have to do PVP if you want a shotgun now by the looks of things
Yes I have noticed that you now have what seems to be a limited choose for Vanguard it is all Crucible, i was 2 marks from getting a shotgun and now its gone???????
Thanks for the replies guys. Guess I'll just have to get lucky with RNG.
Many legendaries in the past have never been vendor-available and were obtained only by drops. Now as to why our enemies have engrams for our best weapons..... :)
They might drop in a vanguard reward package. I've received FWC weapons that weren't available for purchase before HoW.
That's always been like that. Just try getting a Prudence at this point in the game...