Alright, here we go again!
Do you need more vault space? Me too!
Ive just about had it with the vault, i need more space. I collect too many awesome guns and have no where to put them. I was desperate before the first dlc for space. Now, im tired of being picky about which guns i have to trash for the new guns that keep coming. I have 2 spots in the vault, seems like its been that way since January. If you have the same issues sign here, i know it probably wont come till Comet, but hey, a guy can dream. I just want to find and keep anything and everything, a collector never stops collecting!
Anyone with solutions to this can post here!
Have a story that is really sad? Did you have exotics and legendaries at the postmaster? Did you try to find as many keys as you could before the dlc just to find your awesome loot got pushed out of the postmaster by stupid blues?
Lets see what the community has to say![spoiler]i love this game, i just want it to be all it can be! If i could i would hoard blues and even greens just to use them in crucible for shits and gigs![/spoiler]
[b]Goal: 10,000 signatures! Lets do it guys! For Destiny! Hit that star/like button if you agree![/b]
Vote here:
Plus this
And this
Edit: you guys are awesome! 200 post! So much amaze.
Edit:Nice! We made it to 420! Yee
Edit: 500 posts! This is why i love this community! We just want to make this game better, why stop bungie? You gave us more vault before, but next gen needs to be increased. I used to play xbox, then i saw the special edition ps4 and i had to have it! Now i love them both but theres still work to be done to make this game legen....wait for it...dary.
Edit: So Deej just acknowledged the synth discard problem. We will be able to delete them soon! (Whenever that will be). Lol
Edit:OMRNGesus! You guys! If we get to 1000 ill give you one pp touch! Lol jk
Edit: 600 posts! So one person has received a pp touch early but didnt have room in his inventory, vault, or postmaster. So it was lost forever.
I'm a little baffled why last gen is holding us back we should have a fluent vault system that let's us move and transfer stuff in game without actually going to a said vault. And lots more room with detailed categories for everything. Its been almost 2 years since next gen came out and we are stuck in the past
Bump for vault space. Bump for ammo synth hot key. Loading menus takes tooooo long. Not enough space either.
Need wpns space only, good on armor
Armor is fine for me, but I am pushing it for weapons. Where I really need space is the "General" category. If they could break that down to separate categories like is in the player inventory it would be nice.
Signed ... And bumped
Need more vault space
Yes please
Bump! Sing!!!!
Bumped Signed
Signed give us more space not that crap small amount of slots they gave us on that past update bungie ppl want to keep their stuff
╔══╗ ♪ ٩(×̯×)۶ ║██║ ♪♫ ║ ( ● ) ♫ ҍմʍԹ ╚══╝♪ ♪
Yes please. Bungie, I will pay money for expanded vault space. $10 DLC that creates a showroom for my raid gear.
Yes we need more space