Id [i]love[/i] to try my steak even a little bloody but i cant cuz of my health probz D:
You forgot blue (only have really seen that at one place though, in a restaurant in the Flamingo in Las Vegas) which I believe is cold and still bloody
How i like my women
Ideally still attached to the cow, so i can kill it myself and savour all that juicy blood.
I don't really eat meat. I occasionally do but not steak 83
Edited by Eddie Fast Hands: 5/20/2015 6:47:03 PMI will personally seek out anyone that votes above medium and KILL THEM.
Medium Rare.
Why isn't "raw" an option? And just so y'all know, anyone who clicked anything above "Medium" doesn't actually like steak.
Wot about blue rare?[spoiler]jk blue rare is gross.[/spoiler]
I like filet mignion rapped in bacon
I like it on a grill
hail to the steak!
Through the heart
like my women, Dark
medium rare
Edited by Obi-Emp Kenobi: 5/20/2015 8:00:02 PMI like them like my crops.
Hmmm, never thought of it.
Bloody... Like my...
Is this a jojo abridge joke cause if it is medium rare
Like I like my Magic cards. Medium Rare.
Rare! It better still be mooing when it gets to me!