I have a similar issue, except my dog walks in the game room and rips one to get my attention. He can clear a goddamn room in no time. I have no choice but to retreat to fresh air. He knows he won. im not the only person he does this too. If my wife is watching Tv he gas bombs her out of the room too. He is a sneaky bastard. I tried changing his diet, but he still rips them left and right. Between the burping and the farting, my dog is very gassy.... I took him to the vet and they said he is 100% healthy, he is just full of air. Once you hear the *poot* you know its too late........
I must just be lucky. My dog rarely farts, and when she does you can barely hear it, let alone smell it.
If i give my dog raw hide, he could peel the paint off the walls. Now i give him a yak milk bone and he farts a lot less. But don't be mistaken, with my dog, its quality over quantity.
Haha! Man! Feeling pretty lucky, no toxicological events so far :)
I think it's because poodles have a sensitive stomach, i dont know. He was only suppose to be a 45lb standard poodle, but he is pushing 70lbs, and he isn't overweight. His brothers and sisters in the same litter are only 36- 45lbs. My dog is a beast.