Make sure to like this post to make it easier to find!
PoE levels are as followed:
Broken Legion-32
Urrox's Grudge-34
Skolas's Revenge-35
Happy Hunting Guardians
Be sure to include: Rank Tier Class and GT (if username does not match GT) to ensure you find the team you need!
I need two for 32 prison message Awesomeman12318
Look for a group to do 35 prison of elders Got 34 hunter and Titans Max out Ghorn black hammer all void weapons max and arch Gt is WHAT A PR0DIDY
Edited by B4RRY B4DRINATH: 6/12/2015 7:23:36 PM33 warlock looking for 34 or 35 PoE. Msg same.
Lvl 33 Warlock GT same as above. Looking for Lvl 32 PoE Message or invite if interested in helping out.
Need 1 for 32 PoE Msg dudeydude77 for inv
Need 2 34s (1 Titan) with maxed solar and gjallahorn that know what they re doing for fresh 35 PoE message RitzierJam for inv
34 warlock maxed gally and blackhammer with alot of exp looking for skolas cp gt is yodaitalklike
34 warlock looking for 34 Poe
Look for a group to do 35 prison of elders Got 34 hunter and Titans Max out Ghorn black hammer all void weapons max and arch Gt is WHAT A PR0DIDY
34 Titan for PoE 35 max gal, hammer, confluence invite bloodpool86
Need 1 more lvl 34 for lvl 34 poe, gt same message me for inv
34 warlock with 365 gally looking for 35 Poe inv kerrhammy
Need one Titan with max gjallarhorn for 35 round 3 leave gt below or send msg to gt above on Xbox
34 Titan looking to do 34 Poe gt is above
Edited by Itss Villan: 6/12/2015 7:17:19 PM34 warlock with gally Lf 35 PoE Gt is same
Edited by HITEC REDNECK8: 6/12/2015 7:32:26 PM34 warlock titan hunter for 34
34 Hunter 35 PoE TheNepTroll
34 hunter Need two more Looking to do lvl 32 & 34 Msg gt: puro meskin
Edited by duckydaresya: 6/12/2015 6:53:24 PMOn round 2 lvl35 prison, need a Titan with st 14 and max gally, msg on Xbox for invite
Need 34 defender Titan for 35 Poe
Need one hunter for lvl 34 poe on round 4
Edited by SolarTuna: 6/12/2015 6:43:08 PMNeed 1 more lv 34 titan with max gally i am at skolas gt solartuna97978
At skolas lock or Titan with Max ghorn
Looking for 2 to do the 32 Poe. I'm a kick ass Titan ready to role. Gt: ElbowFever
Need one Titan with max gjallarhorn for 35 fresh Leave gt below or send msg to gt above on Xbox
Need one for lvl 32 message me for invite