Make sure to like this post to make it easier to find!
PoE levels are as followed:
Broken Legion-32
Urrox's Grudge-34
Skolas's Revenge-35
Happy Hunting Guardians
Be sure to include: Rank Tier Class and GT (if username does not match GT) to ensure you find the team you need!
Need one more for poe 35 message ultimat cupcake round 4 must have gally
34 Titan maxed Gally and black hammer. Looking to join SKOLAS CHECK POINT MUST HAVE MAXED GALLY AS WELL GT: Project ARES 27
Need 1 more for 32 POE
need 2 34's for lvl 34 POE message for invite
POE 32 need an armor core 33 hunter Need team GT gagefaces
35 Poe Need 2 Titans with weapons Must have done it before Must have gally Message TarmacSlinky50
Need 1 34 for PoE 35. Must have 365 ghally or hoc
Very experienced hunter lvl 34 looking for group to join for SKOLAS final cp! Got maxed ghally, blammer,wolve scout solar, jolders etc maxed! skolas kills: 25+ BE GOOD! Dont ask for inv since im asking for. Gt same as here 0 = zeros
34 warlock looking for 34 Poe
Lvl 32 poe msg explosivmess
Looking to do a 32, then a 34. I'm a lvl 34 warlock with max ghorn. Gt monrovis
Need 34 Titan for 34 Poe, already have 2 message get above
34 warlock , max gally and black hammer. Poe34 .invite pls
Need one 34 for POE 35. Must have maxed gally and experienced ... First come first serve basis Message me -- djphaz3
Need 1 more for 32PoE MSG me user same as GT
Lf l34 Poe I'm l34 war Max gh and more Gt as above
Need one for 32 boss fight. Message on xb1 for invite.
Level 34 warlock looking for Poe 34 or 35
Lvl 33 titan looking to do 32 PoE, invite gamertag above
Need one for Poe 32
Need 1 for 32 POE. Message for invite
34 warlock with max ghall vision ldr blackhammer word ect ect ect lookin to help out at skolos done it 5 times past two days gamertag same as name
34 warlock looking to do any level poe
Looking for one that wont mind helping out one of my friends for 32 poe because hes 29 and im 34 , so message gt above for invite
Level 34 warlock lf Poe 34. Have max weapons and gally. In game invite gt- xt3n
I need two for 32 prison message Awesomeman12318