Make sure to like this post to make it easier to find!
PoE levels are as followed:
Broken Legion-32
Urrox's Grudge-34
Skolas's Revenge-35
Happy Hunting Guardians
Be sure to include: Rank Tier Class and GT (if username does not match GT) to ensure you find the team you need!
Level 34 Poe fresh message antho23rules for invite one Xbox one
Edited by THE LAST GH0ST: 6/13/2015 9:15:09 AMlooking for 2 34's that wanna take on poe 35 with me. lets make it quick too! send box msg for inv.
34 warlock max gally, looking for 2 for 34 Poe. Inv or msg KEVEEN17
Lvl 34 warlock. Max gally Max solar weapons. Looking to run lvl 35. Invite djangophett23
Lvl 35 on skolas need 2 gamertag above
Hunter lvl 32 Looking to do PoE 32 Need 2 message for invite Gt DJcornettoBROWN
PoE 32 message evilnodnarb for inv
Level 34 Poe fresh message antho23rules for invite one Xbox one
lvl 34 Titan looking for the skolas checkpoint I have maxed solar weapons and I have beat him too many times to count. Message Nerrythebest
Need 1 for PoE lvl 32. Gt same as name. Message me in game for invite. Cheers.
Need 2 for PoE lvl 32. Gt same as name. Message me in game for invite. Cheers.
34 warlock looking for 35poe fresh/Skolas. Max Vision, Black Hammer and Gally. Message TJCarney92.
34, hunter. Max gjally, looking to do any boss. Gt is username. Invite if you need a hand.
34 Hunter looking for skolas cp have max ghally GT Admiral Goo
Need 1 for poe 34 jtmsl is gt
33 tian max gally looking for 34 Poe
Level 34 titan Max g horn +glass house Looking for quick last 35 poe boss kill Trying finish bounty Have beat him twice this week Have Mic Gt same as above
Need 2 34s for 34 Poe fresh Msg for INV Must be experienced and have max weapons for easy run
Need 1 for 34 message kgh16
34 Warlock for 35 poe party invite gt EASTPOINTGA1010
34 warlock lfg for PoE 35. Have maxed 365 solar weapons and gally. Inv gt above
34 hunter with 365 Gally looking for 34 Titan and warlock with Max Gally to do 32 Poe GT: U H8in
Need 1 for poe 34 jtmsl is gt
34 Titan for 32 Poe invite g1ryde
34 hunter with 365 Gally looking for 34 Titan and warlock with Max Gally to do 32 Poe GT: U H8in
34 Hunter looking for 35 PoE. Have max gally, yadda yadda, etc. Invite TheEvilKetchup