Make sure to like this post to make it easier to find!
PoE levels are as followed:
Broken Legion-32
Urrox's Grudge-34
Skolas's Revenge-35
Happy Hunting Guardians
Be sure to include: Rank Tier Class and GT (if username does not match GT) to ensure you find the team you need!
Hosting Poe on lvl 34 34+ only and have to have done it before
34 lock with ghally looking for 34 Poe team gt same as above INVITE ME ON XBOX
Lvl 32 hunter in need of lvl 28 Poe completion Just finished story gt same as above msg for inv
Level 34 hunter looking to do level 34 poe. Gt: thewilson161
34 hunter with maxed Gally, looking to do the 34 POE GT same as above
Need 1 more for POE lvl 32. Message Saints5214 for invite
34 lock with ghally looking for 34 Poe team gt same as above INVITE ME ON XBOX
Looking for 34 prison of elders boss cp. im a lvl 34 titan with bubble and max gally. Msg me, gt same as above
Need 1 for Poe lvl 34 must be 34 and have gally msg piealex10 NEED TITAN MUST BE TITAN
Lf 2 more for poe 35. Must have max gally. Need titans as well. Msg me for invite.
Lvl 34 Titan looking to do 34 POE maxed gally gamertag: Legndary
need 2 for skolaras checkpoint message for invite must be 34 have gally and experience
I'm level 34 hunter would like to join some one if you have skolas cp never faced him would like to once if any one is kind enough I have max vog 331 solar ldr and Max gally I have a mic and heavy synths my game tag is Awoken Elf
lvl 34 hunters looking for 2 for 32 and 34 POE. Message me for invite GT same as above
2 lvl 34 hunters looking for one for 32 and 34 POE. Message me for invite GT same as above
34 hunter looking for 32 and 34 POE. Invite me gt same as above.
34 Titan with max Helm of Saint-14 and Ghorn looking to farm level 32 boss. I have done it already this week, I need to get Elder Cipher finished. Invite: SulfonicBacon
Looking to do 32 or 34 boss or any check point. I'm a 34 Titan with max weapons GT above shoot me a message or inv
Need to finish elder cypher bounty need two also farming bosses for bounty plan on farming 32 boss to kill then wipe send msg for inv or leave gt below for inv must be 33+ with max ghorn
Level 34 warlock. Level 34 Poe. Gt same as display. Meassage or invite.
34 Titan gt woods9002 looking for Poe 35
34 Titan looking for skolas cp I have helm of saint and Max solar weapons
1 more for 35 poe, message gt strawberryfarts for inv must be 34
Lvl34 Hunter & Titan looking for one more for Lvl35PoE Message for invite GT: UrMad808
Lvl 34 hunter with tons of experience and maxed gally looking to do skolas cp inv me plz gt is above
Lvl 34 warlock looking for people to help me with lvl 35 PoE. Tbh never done it b4, and I wanted to do it b4 the nerf. Can use Abyss defiant, hunger of Crota, and ice breaker. Also vex Mythoclast if you so please. But sry, no ghorn. I know it's a slim chance but if anyone is willing to help me my GT is ZyKryptic. Just send me a message.