Make sure to like this post to make it easier to find!
PoE levels are as followed:
Broken Legion-32
Urrox's Grudge-34
Skolas's Revenge-35
Happy Hunting Guardians
Be sure to include: Rank Tier Class and GT (if username does not match GT) to ensure you find the team you need!
Need 2 expirienced Gaurdians for Lvl 34!
34 Titan max everything, have completed Skolas on all 3 characters every week. Looking for 2 for fresh Skolas. Do not msg unless you have completed it urself already. Don't wanna waste time doing it for hours.
34 hunter for any lvl inv crotch187
34 titan looking for 1 more 34 with max ghorn and synth to run 35 PoE Message Ryanthehood in game for inv!
Need two for 34 prison
Need one for 32 prison of elders lvl 33 plus message xracer12738 we are a 33 and 34
Need to do 34+35 poe I have all 34 guardians Max weapons yes
Need 2 experienced lvl 34 for poe 34. Must have max gallys. Mssg for inv. Gt: LilVeevs
Lv 34 looking for 34 Poe gt Cool Guy Hank
Lv 34 looking for 34 Poe gt Cool Guy Hank
Lv 34 looking for 34 Poe gt Cool Guy Hank
34 hunter lfg poe 32
34 hunter with maxed ghorn looking to do 32 arena GT: Malnfunction
at final boss on 32 nee 1 message for invite gt above
Need one more 34 Titan with gally for 35 skolas message MLP Ricardo
34 titan saint helm Max ghorn 7 shots Lfg poe 35 Inv me gt same
34 Titan for any poe. Max Ghorn invite puppykickrelite
34 hunter with maxed ghorn looking to do skolas Invite me GT: Malnfunction
Lvl 33 lock looking to do lvl 34. Gt is same as name.
Level 33 looking to do the 32 Poe. I'm a skilled Titan with the is so deadly gjallarhorn ruin wings combo. Gt: ElbowFever
Lf people for 35 Poe must have bhammer or high impact sniper that 365 and ghorn 365 gt above
Looking for final boss cp on skola's revenge. Im a 34 warlock with max ghorn. Gt same as name
Level 34 Warlock looking to do 35 PoE. Invite at iEATcat101.
34 Titan with Max ghorn looking for Lvl 32 {BOSS} checkpoint. Please inv JollyFawn243224
34 Titan looking for round 6 of the 35 prison. Message me what level of the prison you are doing to me. Gt: ObamaCare Logic
Poe35 need 2 gally round 3