Make sure to like this post to make it easier to find!
PoE levels are as followed:
Broken Legion-32
Urrox's Grudge-34
Skolas's Revenge-35
Happy Hunting Guardians
Be sure to include: Rank Tier Class and GT (if username does not match GT) to ensure you find the team you need!
34 warlock maxed weapons looking for level 34 PoE invite. GT Whitedog1401 :-)
Need 1 for prison on 34 @ round 2. Msg soSuperGood
Need 2 for 34 PoE, please have max Gally, message origin of life
34 warlock with a lot of PoE experience looking to help people with either the 34 or 35, Doesnt matter which round you are at. Got my guns maxed out and my synths ready to use. invite GT soSuperGood
On last boss 34 Poe Need 1 more preferred arc Please be 34 Send me a msg for inv Gt same as above
34 Titan looking for 32 PoE max gally msg fatalxstrike
34 warlock looking for 34 poe max ghorn invite Bennetts 360 (need points for bounty 300 off)
34 warlock with maxed weapons looking for 35 poe
Need 2 for Poe 34, at round 4 msg Hobnailednine for an invite.
Need 2 for POE 34
Need a titan for fresh 35 poe. Msg hellrzer
Looking for a group for skolas 34 only pls, i have a 34 warlock max everything
Edited by COG Voltic: 6/19/2015 2:08:46 PMNeed 1 for 32 poe Gt Same as above 34 titan with max gally
34 hunter max everything starting 32 Poe msg in game
34 hunter max weapons need 2 for 34 Poe Msg for INV
Level 34 hunter looking to do 34 PoE. Need 2 more 34s with maxed Gallys and a mic. GT same as above.
34 titan for 32 run maxed gally and weapons invite gt^
34 Titan with helm Max gally hammer and fatebringer looking for skolas cp I am experienced. I do not have the cp I am only looking for it invite me go same as name
34 Titan for Poe 34 gt pika33
Looking for Skolas CP! Lvl 34 Warlock. Max gally, Black Hammer plus everything else
34 hunter Max weapons Need 2 for 34 Poe Msg for INV
34 titan Mic 32 PoE TheMeatBicycles
Need two for 34 or 35 send message with the level that you want to do and I'm a warlock with self Rez and I would wont one Titan with weapons of light
Need 2 for 35 Poe lv 34 Titan msg me on xbox gt same
Need 1 for all poes.must be 34 w ghorn and know what ur doing...
Need 2 expirienced Gaurdians for Lvl 34!