Make sure to like this post to make it easier to find!
PoE levels are as followed:
Broken Legion-32
Urrox's Grudge-34
Skolas's Revenge-35
Happy Hunting Guardians
Be sure to include: Rank Tier Class and GT (if username does not match GT) to ensure you find the team you need!
34 Titan with maxed gally and all weapons and armor maxed! I am looking for Skolas CP I have killed at least three times every week. Only inv if you have team that has killed before and must have Skolas CP message gamertag same as above.
Lvl 34 hunter with max ghally and fatebringer looking to do poe 32.
Lvl 34 warlock with ghorn willing to help anyone with PoE Send invite: Ace608
Need 1 level 34 Titan with gjallarhorn to join, message Venom31913 for an invite.
Need two for 34 message above for invite :)
Lvl 34 Hunter anyone wanna do the 35 Arena or any lvl? Send me a party or game Invt monkeydogshark
Need one for 32 message for invite
34 Defender LFG for 34 PoE. Max Gally. Invite Legatus Skiller
Need one for poe 34, msg gt above
Does anybody know what the modifiers for skolas , the last part fighting him are this week? If you could share that info itd be much appreciated!
Looking to do level 34 poe. Gt: Anyolname 34 Warlock
On Skolas need 1 to get it done quick
Need one for 32
Lvl 34 Titan with max ghally am down to run Poe Lvl 35 inv me get xXUAE WoLFXx
need one titan with gjallarhorn for 35 poe at round 4 message for invite gt chronicle spoon
34 Titan and warlock looking to get a skolas cp, we have done it no burn and are very good and maxed all weapons. Invite Frost Reaper 15. We will do it fast and efficient.
34 Titan and warlock looking to get a skolas cp, we have done it no burn and are very good and maxed all weapons. Invite Frost Reaper 15. We will do it fast and efficient.
34 Titan and warlock looking to get a skolas cp, we have done it no burn and are very good and maxed all weapons. Invite Frost Reaper 15. We will do it fast and efficient.
34 Titan for Poe 32 gt pika33
Need two more for 35 mode. GT: Hopitikins
Need 2 experienced guardians for 35 P.O.E experience only please have beaten him before Gt: x0v3rdos3x
Need 2 Titan with weapons for the 35 PoE send message in game for invite 34s only good wepons gt the same
Need 2 34s for 35 POE message for invite gt chronicle spoon
POE 34 Need 2 Gt same as above, add/msg me
Need two 34's for 35. Bring good weapons and shit, when you message me put what weapons I hate inviting people that just say 34 Hunter. GT Razzaaaa
Need 2 for 32 poe Msg for INV