Make sure to like this post to make it easier to find!
PoE levels are as followed:
Broken Legion-32
Urrox's Grudge-34
Skolas's Revenge-35
Happy Hunting Guardians
Be sure to include: Rank Tier Class and GT (if username does not match GT) to ensure you find the team you need!
Round two of PoE 32. Message BORNKILLER56 for invite
Need 1 Titan for level 35 message Millsy Lad
34 titan looking skolas cp or fresh 35 poe GT same as above
Poe 32. Need 2 send message for invite
Need 2 for poe 32
Need 1 for poe 34 message for inv
2 34 titans now starting the 32, message KezFam id you wanna join
Need 2 for Poe 32 gt same as above
Need one 34 for 32 then 34. Tag above
Need 2 for 34 Poe 34s only gt same as above
Need one to help carry my friend through I'm 34 with max gally he's a 31 please message me minty Jew
Level 34 Hunter ZU3ZxPROJ3CT Need two Sunsingers for POE 34 Put your gts below for invite
Need one 34 for poe
30hunter lf poe lvl32
Need one for Poe 35. Message zodiac Zulu for invite
LFG 32 or 34 Prison of Elders 33 experienced hunter Invite me please Call me bret x Thanks
need 2 for 34 poe GT: aPetiteAsian
Need 2 for 34 Poe 34s only gt same as above
Edited by zkmushroom: 6/30/2015 3:32:51 PMNeed 1 for 32
34 Titan looking for team to run 35 Poe please have ascended weapons and know what your doing so we can finish it message wastedtrooper83 for invite
Need one 32 round 4 message for invite
32 PoE 34 titan starting up PoE Gt same Message for inv
34 Warlock for 35 PoE. GT above.
2 warlocks (34 & 33) willing to help anyone with PoE Send game invite: Ace608
34 hunter looking to do 32 and or 34 PoE, message for inv
34 Titan with maxed gally and all weapons and armor maxed! I am looking for Skolas CP I have killed at least three times every week. Only inv if you have team that has killed before and must have Skolas CP message gamertag same as above.