Make sure to like this post to make it easier to find!
PoE levels are as followed:
Broken Legion-32
Urrox's Grudge-34
Skolas's Revenge-35
Happy Hunting Guardians
Be sure to include: Rank Tier Class and GT (if username does not match GT) to ensure you find the team you need!
34 warlock LF 34 PoE. I have gally. GT-Flawless_cTc
Need one more for 32 PoE at Quodron. Message CLASS AND LEVEL for invite. Gamer tag same as username.
Need 2 more 34s for skolas check point must have experience message in game h2k spyd3r
You NEED HELP with SKOLAS 34 guardian (ANY) MAX GALLY helping with SKOLAS CP ONLY
34 Hunter looking for good fireteam for 34 POE.
34 hunter looking to do the 32, wanting to wipe for cipher points
Level 34 Titan looking to do level 35 Poe Gt same as above
Level 34 any class looking for Skolas CP Have everything worth using in the game, max grimoire etc. Message on XBL and I'll join
34 Warlock with ghorn for 34 arena, msg or invite me. Gt is above.
need 2 34's for 32 POE message for invite gt above
34 Defender. Max Gally. LFG. 34 PoE. Committed group who isn't gonna leave early. Invite Legatus Skiller
Am a level 34 Titan my gamertag is SignalCarrion73
34 Titan for Poe 32 gt pika33
Doing Fresh Level 34 PoE. Message OPP shaddowz for invite.
Poe 34 message me for inv
Looking for level 34 guardian for Poe 32&34 X3 Message on XBL 4 invite
34 Hunter for 35 poe.send msg or invite
Need people to do lvl 32 prison of elders, send me a message to get an invite, gt same as name
32 lock lf 32 poe boss cp, gt same inv me
Need people for Lvl 32 prison of elders, send message for an invite.
34 warlock LF 32-34 PoE Maxed Ghalahorn Invite me GT Hopping Rabbit
Need one for lv34 POE WIDOWMAKER1080
Level 34 Titan w/ max defender setup and max Gjallarhorn. Looking to do the 35 POE. ONLY MESSAGE IF YOU HAVE A MAX GJALLARHORN AND HAVE DONE IT BEFORE! Gt same as above.
Doing level 35 Poe need a Titans and warlocks we can do this very quickly. message Cats On Friday
34 lock LF 34/35 POE, gt as above