So I've been waiting months for this update, watching all the twitch videos, counting the days for the how update, I've been grinding for days on the Queens wrath getting so many engrams that i was breaking down decent gear to make room on my 3 characters and the vault for them all, full post office, everything. We get access to the reef and everyone goes nuts, breaking them all down, calling out their new armor and guns, i spend 45 minutes exploring the reef and breaking down my engrams, out of all of that i got one new titan mark. ONE NEW TITAN MARK! THAT'S IT, OTHER THAN THAT, GLIMMER from breaking gear down. So i took the game to gamestop. I'm done TLDR: eeeefffffff rngesus
I know that my leaving doesn't matter,I'm an ant. One ant is nothing. But when they've pissed of enough ants, it will matter. Also, I'm just pissed, 567 hours, nightfalls,heroics,raids,all that every week, no gallahorn, shit for raid gear,everyone that I've gotten into destiny has half the hours and twice the gear. No respect for the time of the player.
No one cares. Bye bye
Dude u r complaining about the most insignificant thing right now
I got a Gjally from a legendary I got from chests. RnG baby, R. N. G!
I laugh at you people that "farmed" engrams. Did you really think Bungie would allow you to farm new gear from them? Jeez. Use your heads, people.
Seems like another rage quitter, who puts 500+ hours in and expects to have the best gear... C'mon get real!! You should maybe spend some time getting high off O2... Looks like you need it!
You mean traded it in for $10? Congrats
Wow didn't even try the new content
Did not read. But I bet it was a great story. Bro.
I'm running away from home . um um I mean I'm cashing in a game ....and you all need to know this ok. Dude get a grip .
The Cake is a lie. Never [i]try[/i] for the cake. If you dislike the game, by all's best to move along.
I know what you mean, I logged in with my hunter quickly before I went to work, I decrypted about 40 blue engrams that I got from chests, every single one decrypted into old pre dlc items
The cryptarch is a fool. Even Petra says so.
Show us the trade-in receipt or stfu. You "[i]i returned the game[/i]" idiots talk big and show nothing.
The thing about posts like these is that Bungie is asking for feedback. This is how this person feels and the comments are aimed at Bungie... so it's feedback. Good, bad or indifferent it's this persons opinion. I wonder rather see a person express themselves, then bottle it up until it manifests in a potential harmful way. I know and understand the feeling but what little rewards I get from this garbage rng... I have found incredible rewards doing raids and strikes with my children. We laugh and goof off....yes I don't get rewarded for keeping them alive but it's worth it to me to hear them laugh, yell, scream together in a video game. *43 year old Dad who has Zero RNG luck*
Thanks for letting us know. We were wondering where you went.
I spent a month getting all my factions ready, all the packages were 2 motes of light, this is unacceptable.
Don't worry I didn't get anything from all mine either, didn't even get a key
What's tldr?
Good job. Don't have to deal with the game again.
Screw these haters. Good for you man. #getoffthehypetrain
Remember when people cared? Not even pepperidge farm remembers that.
Ahem... Felicia.
I enjoy these fun stories that have a happy ending.