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5/19/2015 2:12:39 PM

Shut up about the Thorn & TLW Nerf Rants

You guys should be positive about the situation and post more forums asking BUNGIE too BUFF YOUR FAVORITE EXOTICS THAN NERF SOMEONE ELSES. Cmon Guys Really....? They don't need to be nerfed the other exotics just just need to be brought up to par instead of nerfed. I know the back in the days when everyone ran around with "suros regimes" but that was also a meta problem and that's why it's been nerfed beyond oblivion... Which was also sold way before "TLW"... Just saying PEOPLE. Every exotic should be just as good as the other but in other ways or means, that way people's favorite weapons don't get nerfed and killed thus bringing more variety and skill + CHOICE. Feel free to express you love or hate for the weapons below.

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