So Guardians, what are your favorite firearms in your possession(legally please) or what are you saving for?
Here are a [b]few[/b] of my own...
Edit: Never expected to get this much feedback. Great collections, Guardians. Express your Constitutional Rights!
Edit 2: It's been over 3 months since my last contribution to this thread and the replies still keep rolling in. I love this community with all your Nerf guns, Supersoakers, burning arms and all the repetitive jokes and bull shit alike. More so I salute those of you that can take something seriously and genuinely enjoy the hobby.
#1 Rule in gun control - Carry one.
I love guns. AR-15 (my baby) .357 magnum snub nose (concealer) Glock 19 (daily carry) .50 cal muzzle loader (fun gun for dates) Mosin Nagant (practically a sniper rifle) Looking to get silencers for my AR and Glock. Also want an MINI-14 and some sort of bolt action long range rifle.