now there is a speculation on how the warlocks taught hunters how to blink and all that and then the hunters never taught the warlock to become invisible,but wait a minute instead the gave them a gun that hunter knew how to use very well,A sniper.the reason they gave them the sniper was because they needed to learn how the gun did it,they needed PATIENCE AND TIME so they can learn the ways of the sniper BUT we all know warlocks never have patience when it comes to learning new things so thats the reason hunters never taught them how to become invisible
EDIT1---they tried to teach them but the warlocks never understood how they tried to teach them [spoiler] I made this story up so dont think im being suros[/spoiler]
EDIT2--I am a hunter at heart but i have a maxed warlock right under neath it
Warlocks my nit have patience and time but warlocks always get the last word. Lol
That's actually quite neat bud