So I've been thinking that if we've been herrings all this special ammo synths and the Vestian Dynasty is a special weapon, I think that we will get the Dynasty from the package and/or be able to get it from Petra in the Reef.
Edit 1: I will now reply to everyone now!
Spoiler: you get it after the first campaign mission in HOW
I'm hoping she doesn't have a "package" but rather a nice envelope that requires licking before stamping :)
Dam imposter....
I really think it's gonna be Etheric light. As a gift from bungie. Here's one boost have fun.
I have it I think I got it from an engra but I might have got it as a drop item
A damn emblem... That's it. An emblem.
Treasure key
Etheric light would be cool. Or a weapon or amour core to get something from Variks.
a weapon upgrade part I hope. 365 fate hype
Our first and only free ethereal light. Just so we can make a mistake and upgrade a weapon... Instead of pooling all 3 (3 toons) and getting a lvl 34 day one! Boom!
Sidearms get full ammo every time you respawn we already know that. Haven't you been paying attention?
Probably a ethric light. Or armor piece. Not a exotic for 6 cake bounties.
Im guessing that each player will get 1 of the queens weapons, the new ones that is.
I don't think they'll just give us the exotic version. Maybe a legendary version.
It's the murmur of house of wolves
I honestly believe it will be a class item. The cloak for my hunter isn't being sold this go around. I hope you're right about the Secondary pistol :)
I hope it's more engrams, I don't have enough.
I bet I know what the queens package is if you know what I mean (; it's her dick. And the surprise is that she has a dick.
I hope the package has a side arm because it would be cool to have more than 2 arms
Forget Vestian Dynasty, I want the Shock Pistol
I'd so laugh that it turned out to be the Supremacy sniper rifle then everyone from the old Queen's Wrath event players would be pissed. Even me xD
I think our reward is getting to fight her brother to the death.
That would be really cool
I think it may just a be a key or two.