I'm Putting A Trials Team Together, You Will Be Given 5 Games To Show Me How Skilled You Are And To See If You Can Keep Up With Our Upcoming Alliance. For A Try Out Message iForgetful Requesting A Tryout. I Will Message Back Shortly. Looking Foward To Making This All Happen.
308 hunter looking for an inv to a trials team...im decent but sadly never made it to the lighthouse ;( i blame my teammates..i have a mic but the mouthpiece is broke so no one can hear me :( but i can still hear fine...anyways if u need one then inv me...my gt is the same as my screen name here
Need 1 for trials. Must be 305+ and skilled at crucible. Gt same as above. Be good or be kicked because we're going flawless
Kings Fall Hard •Totems Checkpoint\Glyphs •307+ light • need 5 Guardians •msg JetCrasher13 • have a mic
Kings Fall Hard •Totems Checkpoint\Glyphs •307+ light • need 5 Guardians •msg JetCrasher13 • have a mic
Need 2 players with or without a mic (since my mic is broken) for Trials of Osiris. The only requirement is to be at least decent in pvp and we will be having a few practice skirmish matches, just to see if you know what your doing.
Need 3 for hard oryx cp. must be 310+ and ToM. Gt same
Looking for 2 for trials Gt as above Mic needed for communication
Looking to do trials for fun msg for invite gt same as above
Need 1 for trials must be 300+ and skilled my GT: buggzy495
Looking for 5 for Hard Oryx CP. 310+ light experienced. Msg me for invt GT: HardlyAbell
Would anyone like to do trials for fun? Don't care about flawless only the bounties. I kinda suck so bear with me. Last time I got 6 or 7 wins. Can anyone help? If you can get me flawless that be amazing.
need 4 for oryx on hard must have completed it before + experience must have touch of malice light 310+ message if you're interested - AKA ICEMAN
315 Titan. I have Year 2 Flawless emblem. I can carry my own. And I'm looking for a good experienced fireteam to run with. Gt is GodsBloodDragon invite me but I won't accept kids.
Went flawless over 100 times, carrying newbies, add Homeruk
311 Titan lf normal oryx
Need 1 for fresh hard, 310+, scrubbery is not permitted, msg LL blast LL if you have any interest in doing so
Norm fresh oryx msg d0pexslay3r for an inv. Need mic and need experience
Norm fresh oryx msg d0pexslay3r for an inv. Need mic and need experience
Need 2 players with or without a mic (since my mic is broken) for Trials of Osiris. The only requirement is to be at least decent in pvp and we will be having a few practice skirmish matches, just to see if you know what your doing.
Need 3 310+ for hard mode kings fall! Message for invtie!
Need 2 for trials 1.5+ kd ONLY Gt same as above msg for inv
[quote]Two required for trials Must be laid back/mature Not bothered what light level you are, or if you been flawless before. Just looking for decent players who can have a laugh while playing trials Mic required Gt:TheGeneralWoo for an invite[/quote]
Need five for fresh normal kings fall. I'm on my hunter trying to get gear for him I have ran the raid plenty of times on my warlock. Gt the same
I want a couple people to practice In elimination, mic ,same tag
Need two for nightfall gt same
Need 2 for fresh King's Fall Raid on hard Must be 305+ Mic required Experience required No ragers No squeakers Gamertag is same as above