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Clan Recruitment

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5/16/2015 9:05:38 AM

Ps3 Clan- Knightz of the blood oath

Hit the link above to join the knightz of the blood oath. We are currently seeking members to create a larger family of guardians. we also are in alliance with some other clans feel free to join us. we're extremely active in raiding and vanguard (strikes,weekly etc...). I'm always looking for a good solid crucible team so whenever im on im always down for crucible :). Just hit up the link and set as psn clan after you join the group, ill get the notifications and reply right away. We also have an all ladies clan I'm in alliance with. Ladies if you dont want to be bothered by us guys and want other gurlies to play with feel free to join GirlGamer. Here's the link: See you later future Knightz.

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