I tried to complete a bounty after finding out the Queens Wrath was back. Boy I was wrong I know the Fallen Captains have arc shields so I equipped arc weapons to deal the damage hell I tried giving Gjallarhorn a go after all it's been gathering dust. Goddamn this -blam!-ing captain was my match not even my strongest class (Titan) wasn't denting the armor. In the end I couldn't kill him alone.
Not sure what the hassle is, been able to knock over the one in the ember cave, skywatch and forgotten shores solo pretty easily. Always people in the citadel to lend a hand. FateBringer Secret Handshake (stock vendor) Gally
The best ways to kill them is with an Arc Shotgun and something with Damage over Time. Thorn/Scorch/Incendiary Grenade/Incendiary Throwing Knife. Failing that, and AOE grenade or super works. Something to damage the captains while you are reloading. I was actually attacked by three Pikes before they dropped. So I hid it in a cave until is was just me and the OP Captain.
Found Verdict is all you need.
I managed to do it with Found Verdict. That thing hits HARD.
Use your flashbangs, save cannons and heavy until the target arrives, arc shotty is handy, hardest part of doing it solo is finding the chest afterwards in time.
Do the one on skywatch on cosmodrome instead...its a servitor with no regen health...much easier, and only 4 chest locations to find the chest, instead of 6 on forgotten shore.
Yeah, they have public event boss HP. Which I don't think was smart on bungie's part due to the fact that they have terrible room match ups for players. I've been in several rooms and only seen 3 players. Where is everybody at?
Yeah tried to kill one myself and his shield regenerated everytime I got it down. Need to minimum, or its going to be close to impossible.
Save the scorch cannon until the boss
yes they are 2 of us tried to kill the named one, such a huge PITA we ended up shooting him up with shotguns to strip his shields, then Gjalarhorned him, then we were both reloading - so I Bladedanced to get the shield off again - and we finished him off with shotguns Found Verdict is a beast for this lol
Probably recruitment on the forums will begin due to them
I can solo all of them with my Secret Handshake. Git gud. (jk) (Not the soloing part, the git gud part. Just apply consistent damage and stagger lock them.)
Not really?.... Get GUD? Pve is a joke
It wouldn't be so bad if the shield didn't regen in the time it takes to reload xP
I killed my first one alone, the one in Forgotten Shores. Lots of Found Verdict and Thunderlord. I did not do it again after that because it's 0 fun lol.
Such difficulty.