So recently I was playing fine then I switched games however when I came back to Destiny I can't see any online players or play PvP/co op I checked my connection but it was fine, I can only play PvE and nothing else; can any one help me I would appreciate it very much.
It's your time and date set correctly on the console?
Hello Koolyvax, First, I'd recommend you hard reboot your console and router. Specifically, close Destiny and shut off your console completely. Once your console is fully shut down, unplug the power cord from the console for at least 30 seconds. Turn off and unplug the hardware in your networking setup (router/modem) and leave it unplugged for at least 30 seconds. Then plug in your network hardware then plug in and turn on your console and launch Destiny. If that fails to help, you may need to further configure your network to get the best possible experience out of it. The page linked below will help you there. [url=][b][/b][/url] I hope this helps!
Are you on Xbox? I've been having a lot of trouble with Xbox live where I can't view my friends either.
Try restarting your console.