Dear Bungie / Children of Zsakos Ember,
[b]PLEASE have the Tower postmaster post a notice that "ONLY X NUMBER OF ITEMS WILL BE HELD FOR YOU HERE !"
...AND THE REST WILL BE DELETED..... after X number of days....!
Signed Kadi 55-30 [/b]
At this time it's unclear what the limit of held items is, how long the items will be held, and when they will be deleted by Postmaster Kadi 55-30
This is a difficult time right now even with the expansion of the vault.
I've lost several legendary items simply because these limits are not clear, were not posted, and I had to learn by losing hard won items.
< Edit >
Perhaps Bungie could make the time limitation clearer by using a color scheme to indicate that the items are expiring on the shelf.
Green: Item just landed ..... will be held for _____ days.
Yellow: Item is at midpoint of time limit to be held for player. Time / Days remaining are ______.
Red: Item to be deleted by ______ pm today.
Once max items limit is reached: a notice is posted for viewing by player upon interacting with the postmaster.
( example )
[b][u]RED LETTER NOTICE FROM POSTMASTER[/u]: [/b] "You have reached your lost items limit ! No more items may be recovered here until you delete X number of items. Only _____ number of items can be held at any time by the Postmaster."
It would make sense (although it is Bungie we're talking about) that the oldest item gets deleted to make room for the newest item...