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originally posted in: Day one players still around?
5/12/2015 1:38:39 PM
2 month old thread...who revived this?...been here since beginning i was away when Crota dropped Christmas till may. i was back a couple weekends inbetween timed perfectly to hit the iron banner events so i got my warlock to 32 that way. The break was actually good, I enjoy playing the game and getting my other characters levelled, whilst getting my exotics levelled. and with the etheric light coming i dont have to worry about replacing every piece of gear only having it levelled up. Though i did Just about solo'd crota raid up to the 2nd chest to finish levelling my gauntlets resources are easy to get. Nighfalls have all types of burn commonly so i can use whatever weapons i like, I have no use for my polyphage and seeds etc, so am using them every mission and end up making a few thousand a time so plenty enough money coming in. Its actually quite enjoyable. Still no Gjallahorn or red death, still no husk of the pit, accidently deleted my only crota raid weapon blackhammer (i shed a tear) but all in all back into it playing here and there and enjoying it. Not such a grind as it was. No real active people playing from my friends list though. and with witcher 3 and elderscrolls online i fear ill slip away if HoW doesnt keep me hooked. but we shall see.

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