Dear Bungie / Children of Zsakos Ember,
[b]PLEASE have the Tower postmaster post a notice that "ONLY X NUMBER OF ITEMS WILL BE HELD FOR YOU HERE !"
...AND THE REST WILL BE DELETED..... after X number of days....!
Signed Kadi 55-30 [/b]
At this time it's unclear what the limit of held items is, how long the items will be held, and when they will be deleted by Postmaster Kadi 55-30
This is a difficult time right now even with the expansion of the vault.
I've lost several legendary items simply because these limits are not clear, were not posted, and I had to learn by losing hard won items.
< Edit >
Perhaps Bungie could make the time limitation clearer by using a color scheme to indicate that the items are expiring on the shelf.
Green: Item just landed ..... will be held for _____ days.
Yellow: Item is at midpoint of time limit to be held for player. Time / Days remaining are ______.
Red: Item to be deleted by ______ pm today.
Once max items limit is reached: a notice is posted for viewing by player upon interacting with the postmaster.
( example )
[b][u]RED LETTER NOTICE FROM POSTMASTER[/u]: [/b] "You have reached your lost items limit ! No more items may be recovered here until you delete X number of items. Only _____ number of items can be held at any time by the Postmaster."
Edited by Midnightcalm: 5/12/2015 8:46:00 AMSadly even though it not mentioned in game. Bungie has mentioned " postmaster is not intended for storage and only meant for recovering lost items and receiving items ex. packages or other items" I knew this from day 1 of playing cause it says postmaster and not storage. Cause in like many MMOs I have played all mail/postmasters have always had limit storage/time. Though I do believe the postmaster needs a message pop up for the first time you visit the postmaster, so new player don't fall for it like many other seem to be these days.