It's fine. While I'm jealous just wait till comet is released. Xbox players will get comet + all the expired exclusives. It will be like getting another DLC!
It's like getting the rest of the game, the dark below, house of wolves that you have already paid 100 bucks for the same as ps users but have had to wait a year for. Yeah cuz you know that sounds like getting so much more. You need to spend 160 bucks and wait an entire year to get the chance at something we have had since day once
Ever heard of a silver lining? geeze...
I get being excited - really, that's great - but you aren't missing out on much. In my opinion, all our PS4 exclusive strikes suck. You should only be excited for Hawkmoon if you get it.
Yea but here's the thing, it will be exciting to receive about 4-5 new PVP maps, and all the strikes that were PS4 exclusives we will get will immediately be in rotation for weeklies and nightfalls (since both system will now have access to them). Plus comet!
Most exclusive content is shit it's why it doesn't bother me in the slightest.
Keep thinking that should make you feel a lil better
Seen all the content friend has a ps4 it's not that great apart from hawkmoon and I don't get why people refer to it as exclusive content it's coming to Xbox later on so its more timed content.
I will, and honestly it will be better. All the strikes PS4 has exclusively u get to only play as a strike or in the strike playlist. As soon as XB gets those strikes they will immediately become nightfalls and weeklies since both systems will now have them. Plus I love PVP in this game. So on top of the new Comet maps we will be getting like 4 or 5 PS maps. That's more content than the last 2 DLC's so hell yea I'm excited. Sorry your negativity won't ruin that for me.
Sorry dude I didn't mean it that way
It's all good