I wanna know how everyone lost their exotic weapon virginity. for me, though I am ashamed, it was universal remote in my first nightfall ever.
Edit* guys were almost at 150 responses! Let's keep it going!
Edit* Oh my goodness guys, almost 400. Would make my Christmas if this post made 500. I appreciate all the stories!
Edit* Just hit 1000. Amazing, love your stories guys.:]
Week two I saw this random guy his name was Xur. I was a lvl 26 Hunter. I just came to the tower from loot caving. I saw that he was selling exotics and I was like cool I hope these are better then purple weapons. I bought gjallerhorn thinking this looks like a cool rocket launcher. I didn't really use it because I preferred using Machine Guns. It wasn't until someone asked me to raid with them that I realized that they only wanted to raid with me because I had gjallerhorn. I had a blue sniper and blue primary running around in VoG only because I had gjallerhorn.