First, why didn't they get pro players to do the stream?? It was so annoying to watch.
I think PoO looks cool, something different.
- more dependent on thumb skills rather than cheese tactics
- both matchmaking and LFG elements
- repeatable event plus one-per-week event
- variety in modifiers and waves
Overall, I think it'll be great. Though I'm more excited for ToO
Honestly... not impressed at all.. Just looks like Strikes with a couple more objectives thrown in. Seriously... aren't most strikes already teams of 3 people ... who have to fight off 3 waves while dinklebot opens a door? So now you have to difuse some mines..... and instead of riding your scooter around to the next point you just return to some airlock. I was LOLing at the 1 hour mark where Deej says "this is not a strike"... cause I'm thinking, that's [b]exactly[/b] what it is. Seriously.. how is this not just a longer strike? What am I missing?