People, Babies do not equal planes. I tell you this because I am on one. I bought wifi for my flight and a baby is behind me. It is a screamer. My question is, Why? If you have a baby you shouldn't be taking a trip. You should be at home caring for it, not going on vacation. It's just my biased opinion however, so what are your thoughts on the greatest of all evils, babies on planes?
I'm going to attempt to nap, should the baby now kill me
There are several places you just shouldn't bring a baby, eg: A nice restaurant (not talking about Chili's or anything but something that $50+ a plate), a movie theater, weddings, etc. However a plane is not one of those "forbidden" places. I do my best to avoid taking my son anywhere that he would disturb someone (ie: somewhere I don't want a baby around) but sometimes people other than yourself need to go places. I for one would much rather take a 2 hour plane ride somewhere with my child vs a 6+ hour car trip. Grow up and think about something other than just yourself.