I know this is a very noob-ish question however I just got the game about a day ago, so what do the human effigies do? And how are they of any importance? and I'm looking for a co-op covenant so should I join the way of the blue or become a sunbro later on
Ps- I'm trying to go in blind but I'm super confused [spoiler]its a lot different from Bloodborne, A LOT[/spoiler]
Human effigies restore your health back to max when you die, as well as allowing you to summon other people into your world to help you. For a coop cov your best bet would probably be Sun Bros. You get a Staight sword at 20 and sunlight spear(For Faith build) at 30 medals. Way of the blue is practically useless to be in, besides getting the ring at the beginning of the game to give you some extra HP. Any other questions are welcome :)
Thanks, if I get anymore I'll be sure to ask haha
Every time you die u lose some health and become "hollow" using an human effigy restores your humanity, I don't know anything about covenants because I haven't gotten that far in a covenant to know what's good and stuff
Thank you