[url=http://www.alternet.org/tea-party-and-right/why-atheists-make-85-percent-americas-scientists-and-07-percent-its-prison]Within the United States Federal Prison system, 0.07% of inmates are Atheist[/url]
The reason I am posting this is because of the stereotype [u]Atheist have no morals because there is no God to hold them accountable for their actions.[/u]
If the stereotype was true, that number should be much higher than 0.07%.
My main point with this, i[b]t doesn't matter what your belief system is because belief systems don't necessarily correlate with morals.[/b] This isn't a knock against theist just trying to shed some light on really negative assumptions.
Sidenote: I see some Christians/Catholics saying that prisoners aren't real Theist. To those that have this view i ask you:[spoiler]1) Who are you to decide what a good Christian/Catholic/etc is? Isn't God the only one who would know and your just giving your opinion?
2) Aren't all sins equal, from white lies to genocide? [u](In context of religion not law[/u]) So if all sins are equal doesn't that make them just as real as you?[/spoiler]
Not sure if I trust your source but it does make sense to me. Theists have the luxury of being able to justify their actions with loopholes and fine print in whatever book they adhere to. Atheists have no such luxury, we are forced to actually analyze the morality of our actions for ourselves.