Just stop crying. People(not me) put so much time to get that gun. They deserve it. Just because you didn't commit your own damn time! So stop crying and PLAY THE GAME. It's supposed to be good, hence why it takes so much time to get.
I didn't bother getting it either. I had a couple drop as rewards in the last IB but I didn't rate it much, ( I have better ones ) so I dismantled them.
Edited by BLWigglyAkA: 5/5/2015 7:02:21 PMYes these dudes don't understand. We GRIND our hides off. They know not to do PvP-ers like they did raiders when TBD dropped. The gun is powerful because we've achieved rank ! Not fight off AI. U need power to kill skilled guardians. And also disclaimers have been issued. Shaxx already told them "the crucible is no place for mercy" so why he screamin nerf!
People put so much time to get Silimars Wrath too. Just destroyed your argument.
No Silimar nice ... iridium rounds, higest fire rate, perfect balance, speedy reload....boy a barrage of boom ....bad to be on the reception end of it
Only collectors put in time for Similar's Wrath. I guarantee they don't use it because it's terrible. You destroyed no argument with your failed logic
Uh what? Only collectors put time into getting it. Nobody uses it because bad. Argument about OP IB weapons is they deserve to be good. You make no sense.